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永冷 虛空永存著永冷 Yǒng lěng Xūkōng yǒngcúnzhe yǒng lěng Evercold The void is perpetuated in evercold
星雨 天空閃耀著星雨 Xīng yǔ Tiānkōng shǎnyàozhe xīng yǔ Stars rain The sky shines in the stars rain 好雨知时节 当春乃发生 随风潜入夜 润物细无声 野径云俱黑 江船火独明 晓看红湿处 花重锦官城 細草微風岸 危檣獨夜舟 星垂平野闊 月湧大江流 Hǎo yǔ zhī shíjié, dāng chūnnǎi fāshēng suí fēng qiánrù yè, rùn wù xì wúshēng Yě jìng yún jù hēi, jiāng chuán huǒ dú míng xiǎo kàn hóng shī chù, huā zhòng jǐn guān chéng Xì cǎo wéifēng àn, wēi qiáng dú yè zhōu xīng chuí píngyě kuò, yuè yǒng dàjiāng liú The good rain knows its season, when spring arrives, it brings life It follows the wind secretly into the night, and moistens all things softly, without sound On the country road, the clouds are all black, on a riverboat, a single fire bright At dawn one sees this place now red and wet, the flowers are heavy in the brocade city Gentle breeze on grass by the shore, the boat's tall mast alone at night Stars fall to the broad flat fields, moon rises from the great river's flow
銀樹 花卉飄落自銀樹 Yín shù Huāhuì piāoluò zì yín shù Silver tree The flowers fall from the silver tree 多情却似总无情 唯觉樽前笑不成 蜡烛有心还惜别 替人垂泪到天明 山光忽西落 池月渐东上 荷风送香气 竹露滴清响 繁华事散逐香尘 流水无情草自春 日暮东风怨啼鸟 落花犹似坠楼人 Duōqíng què shì zǒng wúqíng, wéi jué zūnqián xiào bùchéng làzhú yǒuxīn hái xībié, tì rén chuí lèi dào tiānmíng Shān guāng hū xī luò, chí yuè jiàn dōng shàng hé fēng sòng xiāngqì, zhú lù dī qīng xiǎng Fánhuá shì sàn zhú xiāng chén, liúshuǐ wúqíng cǎo zì chūn rìmù dōngfēng yuàn tí niǎo, luòhuā yóu shì zhuì lóu rén Much feeling, but it's just as if there's none, I think behind my cup, but cannot smile The candle has a heart, it too hates parting, in our place, it sheds a tear at dawn The glow on western mountains quickly sets, the moon is climbing over the eastern lake The wind spreads lotus scent all through the air, the sound of dripping bamboo dew is clear Stories of passion make sweet dust, calm water, grasses unconcerned At sunset, when birds cry in the wind, petals are falling like a girl's robe long ago
天宮 和平統治著天宮 Tiāngōng Hépíng tǒngzhìzhe tiāngōng Celestial palace The peace rules in the celestial palace 鸡鸣紫陌曙光寒 莺啭皇州春色阑 金阙晓钟开万户 玉阶仙仗拥千官 花迎剑佩星初落 柳拂旌旗露未干 独有凤凰池上客 阳春一曲和皆难 花隐掖垣暮 啾啾栖鸟过 星临万户动 月傍九霄多 Jī míng zǐ mò shǔguāng hán, yīng zhuàn huáng zhōu chūnsè lán jīn quēxiǎozhōng kāi wàn hù, yù jiē xiān zhàng yōng qiān guān Huā yíng jiàn pèi xīng chū luò, liǔ fú jīngqí lù wèi gān dú yǒu fènghuáng chíshàng kè, yángchūn yī qū hé jiē nán Huā yǐn yē yuán mù, jiūjiū qī niǎoguò xīng lín wàn hù dòng, yuè bàng jiǔxiāo duō Cock-crow, the Purple Road cold in the dawn, linnet songs, court roofs tinted with april At the Golden Gate morning bell, countless doors open, up the jade steps float a thousand officials With flowery scabbards, stars have gone down, willows are brushing the dew from the flags And, alone on the Lake of the Phoenix, a guest, is chanting too well The Song of Bright Spring Flowers in shadow, palace wall at dusk, chirping birds are flying back to roost Stars move above the ten thousand doors, the moon is big nearing the nine heavens
水鏡 懷舊映在水鏡中 Shuǐjìng Huáijiù yìng zài shuǐjìng zhōng Water mirror The nostalgia reflects in the water mirror 夜半來 天明去 來如春夢 去似朝雲 晚年惟好靜 缘愁似个长 不知明镜里 何处得秋霜 木落雁南度 北风江上寒 孤帆天際看 迷津欲有問 Yèbàn lái, tiānmíng qù lái rú chūnmèng, qù shì cháo yún Wǎnnián wéi hǎo jìng, yuán chóu shì gè zhǎng bùzhī míngjìng lǐ, hé chù dé qiūshuāng Mù luòyàn nán dù, běi fēng jiāngshàng hán gū fān tiānjì kàn, míjīn yù yǒu wèn That which comes at midnight, leaves at dawn Arrives like a spring dream, leaves like a morning cloud Now in old age, I know the value of silence, in my heart there are sorrows so deep With grief I wonder, into the mirror as I peep, from whence sneaks in such autumn frost of care The trees let fall their leaves, the geese migrate south, the north wind blows cold above the river I watch a lone sail at the heavens’ end, lost in mist, who can I ask where
滿月 夜晚閃光著滿月 Mǎnyuè Yèwǎn shǎnguāngzhe mǎnyuè Full moon The night glitters with the full moon 床前明月光 疑是地上霜 举头望明月 低头思故乡 月斜樓上五更鐘 夢為遠別啼難喚 何时倚虚幌 双照泪痕干 明月出天山 苍茫云海间 长风几万里 吹度玉门关 Chuáng qián míngyuèguāng, yí shì dìshàng shuāng jǔ tóu wàng míngyuè, dītóu sī gùxiāng Yuè xié lóu shàng wǔ gēng zhōng, mèng wèi yuǎnbié tí nán huàn hé shí yǐ xū huǎng, shuāng zhào lèihén gàn Míng yuè chū tiānshān, cāngmáng yúnhǎi jiān cháng fēng jǐ wàn lǐ, chuī dù yùménguān There is moonlight shining before my bed, I suspect that there is frost on the ground Raising my head, I gaze at the moonlight, lowering my head, I think of my home village The moon slants on the tower at the fifth watch bell, in a dream, far apart, we cry, hard to call When shall we lean in the empty window, together in brightness, and tears dried up? A bright moon rising above the celestial mountains, lost in a vast ocean of clouds The long wind, across thousands upon thousands of miles, blows past the pass of the jade gate
愛蝶 激情飛著為愛蝶 Ài dié Jīqíng fēizhe wèi ài dié Love butterflies The passion flies as the love butterflies 海上生明月 天涯共此時 情人怨遙夜 竟夕起相思 滅蠋憐光滿 披衣覺露滋 不堪盈手贈 還寢夢隹期 死别已吞声 生别常恻恻 恐非平生魂 路远不可测 Hǎishàng shēng míngyuè, tiānyá gòng cǐ shí qíngrén yuàn yáo yè, jìng xīqǐ xiāngsī Miè zhú lián guāng mǎn, pī yī jué lù zī bùkān yíng shǒu zèng, hái qǐn mèng zhuī qī Sǐ bié yǐ tūnshēng shēng, bié cháng cè cè kǒng fēi píngshēng hún lù, yuǎn bùkě cè The moon, grown full now over the sea, brightening the whole of heaven Brings to separated hearts, the long thoughtfulness of night It is no darker though I blow out my candle. it is no warmer though I put on my coat So I leave my message with the moon, and turn to my bed, hoping for dreams Separation by death must finally be choked down, but separation in life is a long anguish I fear you are no longer mortal, the distance to here is enormous
淚湖 哭泣耳語於淚湖 Lèi hú Kūqì ěryǔ yú lèi hú Tears lake The crying whispers in the tears lake 花近高楼伤客心 万方多难此登临 城上高楼接大荒 海天愁思正茫茫 惊风乱飐芙蓉水 密雨斜侵薜荔墙 清川带长薄 流水如有意 明月松间照 清泉石上流 乡泪客中尽 平海夕漫漫 Huā jìn gāolóu shāng kè xīn, wàn fāng duō nán cǐ dēnglín chéng shàng gāolóu jiē dàhuāng , hǎitiān chóusī zhèng mángmáng Jīng fēng luàn zhǎn fúróng shuǐ, mì yǔ xié qīn bì lì qiáng qīngchuān dài zhǎng báo, liúshuǐ rú yǒuyì Míngyuè sōng jiān zhào, qīngquán shí shàngliú xiāng lèi kè zhōng jǐn, píng hǎi xī mànmàn Flowers near the tower, hurt this traveller, climbed up to overlook, everywhere I see many disgraces The tower on the city wall borders the great wilderness, like the sea and sky, my sorrow is boundless Startling wind, randomly, disturbs the lotus water, dense rain, slanting, erodes the creeping fig wall The limpid river runs between the bushes, the water flows as if with a mind of its own Bright moon incandescent in the pines, crystalline stream slipping across rocks Travelling, I’ve exhausted my tears for home, darkness falls in the mighty waters
魔燈 光發光於魔燈中 Mó dēng Guāng fāguāng yú mó dēng zhōng Magical lamps The light glows in the magical lamps 银烛秋光冷画屏 轻罗小扇扑流萤 天阶夜色凉如水 坐看牵牛织女家 在山泉水清 出山泉水濁 世情惡衰歇 萬事隨轉燭 画阁朱楼尽相望 红桃绿柳垂檐向 春窗曙灭九微火 九微片片飞花璅 Yín zhú qiūguāng lěng huàpíng, qīng luō xiǎo shàn pū liúyíng tiān jiē yèsè liáng rúshuǐ, zuò kàn qiān niú zhīnǚ jiā Zài shān quánshuǐ qīng, chūshān quánshuǐ zhuó shì qíng è shuāi xiē, wànshì suí zhuǎn zhú Huà gé zhū lóu jìn xiàng wàng, hóng táo lǜ liǔ chuí yán xiàng chūn chuāng shǔ miè jiǔ wéi huǒ, jiǔ wēi piàn piàn fēihuā suǒ Autumn has chilled the painted screen in candlelight, a palace maid uses a fan to catch fireflies The steps seem steeped in water when the night colds, she sits to watch two stars in love meet in the skies Spring water, they say, runs pure in the mountains, but leaves the mountains foul with run-off All things are candles turned in wind, this age hates all who wane or fade Great decorated pavilions are facing each other, and the red peaches and green willows are hanging At the dawn of the spring, the nine little fires are extinguished, and the nine little flakes, fly as flowers
永遠 週期重複著永遠 Yǒngyuǎn Zhōuqí chóngfùzhe yǒngyuǎn Everend The cycle is repeated in everend
The outer space is an inmense void that stays in eternal cold
In the dark night, the sky is shining with the light of the falling stars
The feelings vanish and love perishes, just like the leaves and flowers of the tree
The majesty of the jade emperor spreads tranquility in the palace
Age takes life away, and in the end of times, the mirror will say the truth
The beautiful and solitary landscape is illuminated with the light of the moon
Love can have many obstacles, but it can prosper, like for the lovers that turned into butterflies
The thoughts of the past glory make weep, at the coast of the lake of tears
In the lantern festival, the enjoyment is abundant, as the hanging lamps
The cycle exists in a timeless and eternal end


Xiangi is an ethereal and poetic journey. It is a spiritual travel through the inmensities of the cosmos, exploring passion and nostalgia. The word Xiangi refers to the star of Miyanin, one of the worlds of Alentë.


released November 22, 2020


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Anamura Spain

Atmospheric Symphonic Neoclassical Black Folk Space Metal

Anamura is a musical, literary and entertainment project, and my own name.

The Lays of Alentë is my legendarium, and very important for my art.
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